Call for Papers for ICA22 conference: papers, panels and extended abstracts
Call for Papers for ICA22 conference: papers, panels and extended abstracts
The deadline to submit papers to the GCSC division for the 2022 ICA Annual Conference is November 5.

Every year, the Division for Global Communication and Social Change (GCSC) selects a number of papers and pre-formed panels relevant to its mission to be included in the International Association Annual (ICA) Annual Conference. The selection of papers is competitive. 

The Call for Papers for the 2022 ICA Annual Conference is now available on our website and on the main ICA website. This year, the GCSC division will be accepting three types of submissions:

  • Scholarly Papers (Submit as an individual submission). Scholarly papers should be original and innovative. They can be either theoretical in focus or employ empirical methods (quantitative, qualitative, mixed, computational, etc.) at an advanced level. ICA requires that papers be no longer than 8,000 words maximum, not including references, tables, figures, charts, etc. 
  • Panels (Submit as a session). Panel proposals should include information on the overall rationale of the session, including the main area of inquiry providing cohesion to the session relating to the 2022 conference theme and the GCSC division research interests. Submitters should also provide the names and affiliations of each participant.
  • Extended Abstracts (Submit as an individual submission). The GCSC also accepts extended abstracts addressing works in progress. Extended abstracts should be no more than 1,000 words in length, not including references. Extended abstracts should describe a study that, in terms of its timing and progression, would benefit from feedback at the conference.

Scholars interested in submitting their work to the GCSC should keep in mind that the deadline for submissions is November 5.