August Newsletter
August Newsletter

Dear GCSC Division Members,

In this August 2022 newsletter for the Global Communication and Social Change Division, we are bringing you updates on next year’s conference planning, news about opportunities for early-career scholars and particularly scholars in the Global South, and news about our division’s elections and approval of bylaws.

******* ICA23: Pre- and Post-Conferences *******

If you are planning to submit either a pre- or post-conference proposal and if you wish to affiliate with or have sponsorship from GCSC, please get in touch by sending a draft of your proposal to Saba Bebawi (saba.bebawi@uts.edu.au) by no later than Monday, August 22, 2022

All proposal submissions for pre- and post-conferences to ICA are due by Friday, 26 August @ 12:00 (noon) ICA headquarters time (EDT). You can find the link here: https://www.icahdq.org/page/ICA23PREPOSTFORM

******* ICA23: Early-Career Scholars *******

We want to keep working to increase engagement with, and offerings for, early-career scholars, particularly those from the Global South. For ICA 2023 GCSC is planning some exciting new opportunities for mentoring in the division. We plan to announce more details in our September newsletter.

Based on our commitment to increase the membership of scholars located in the Global South we plan to offer some registration waivers and travel funding to support conference attendance in Toronto next year. More specific details will be shared before the end of the year.

******* ICA23: Call for Papers *******

The Call for Papers is out now and can be viewed here: https://ica-gcsc.org/activities/annual_conference/

As in previous years, The Global Communication and Social Change Division promotes research and critical analysis of the production, distribution, content and reception of communications media and digital media at the global, transnational, transcultural, international and regional levels. Within this purview it encompasses research across a wide variety of theoretical and methodological approaches, concerning issues of media/ mediated communication in local, national, regional and global cultural, economic, political and social contexts. This can include studies of strategic mediated communication for development, social justice and social change, as well as critiques of development communication strategies. 

Please note that it is not sufficient for submissions to simply proclaim a “global” status by addressing communications in non-U.S contexts. Where papers and panels are based on empirical case studies, they must relate relevant empirical cases to the broader field of global communication, which also includes the field of development communication. We encourage authors to employ a comparative or multi-nation perspective in accordance with the global nature of our division.

Potential panel proposals should be discussed with the program planner, Saba Bebawi (saba.bebawi@uts.edu.au), prior to submission. Any panel proposal which does not fully comply with submission guidelines and have clear relevance to the paper call will be rejected without review.

******* ICA23: Reviewers *******

We’d like to remind everybody that ICA now assigns paper reviewing to everyone who submits a paper.  We encourage all PhD and Early Career level paper submitters to help us with reviewing, and to let the program planner know if you have capacity to review more papers than you are assigned or if have questions about the reviewing process. 

The division will organize an online workshop at the start of the reviewing period to help less experienced reviewers with the process. More information about this workshop will be provided in our next newsletter.

******* ICA and GCSC Leadership Elections *******

On 1 September, ICA members will begin voting for association-wide and division/interest group officers. Like previous years, the vote takes place using an online-only ballot. 

Our division is electing a vice-chair and asking for your approval of revisions to our bylaws. We highly encourage all our members to vote. Low voter turnout divisions get scolded by ICA – please show you care about GCSC and vote!

******* Social Media and Future Newsletters *******

If you have any information that you’d like our help with distributing (CfP, job announcements, new books, personal successes…), please send us a message on either platform and we will gladly share the news. Also, if there is something you would like to see featured in future newsletters, feel free to contact the Secretary of the division, Lea Hellmueller (lea.hellmueller@city.ac.uk).

*******Job Announcement*******

Job Vacancy: Associate/Full Professor of Race, Media and Communication at UMass Amherst

The Department of Communication at the University of Massachusetts Amherst seeks to build on our 50-year tradition of critical and community-engaged media and communication research with this hire in the area of race, media, and communication studies. We are looking for an Associate / Full Professor with a record of intellectual leadership and engaged scholarship examining the politics of race in media and communication, communication and racial justice, and/or race and representation in popular culture. We seek a colleague who can advance our department's mission to center issues of racial justice in communication research, collaborate with our diverse and international faculty and students, and extend our core strengths in critical cultural studies and media and communication studies. The Department of Communication is one of the most internationally diverse faculty in the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences. 

Of particular interest are candidates who draw from critical bodies of theory and epistemologies of Black, Latino/a/x, Asian, Indigenous, and Ethnic Studies when studying media, communication, and racial politics in the United States. We also welcome candidates who draw from intersectional perspectives of feminist, queer, and postcolonial theory and those who study racial politics in transnational perspective. We are open to diverse methodological approaches and community engaged scholarship.

This is a mid-career or senior-level position, and the candidate will be reviewed for tenure during their first year of appointment. They are expected to have at least 5 years experience in a tenure-track professorship post in Communication or related fields, with a record of excellence in research, teaching, and outreach. A successful record of leadership in grant-funded projects is desirable.

Additional information
The position will begin on Sept. 1, 2023.

Review of applications will begin October 20, 2022, and will continue until the position is filled. For inquiries about the post and the application process, contact Search Committee Chair Dr. Jonathan Corpus Ong at jcong@umass.edu.

For more details: https://jobs.chronicle.com/job/37294639/associate-full-professor-of-race-media-and-communication/

 *******Until next month…

We will be back next month with some more information about our mentoring sessions at ICA 2023 and some of the events we are planning for this year.

ICA Global Communication/Social Change Division

Chris Paterson (University of Leeds), Chair

Saba Bebawi (University of Technology Sydney), Vice-Chair

Lea Hellmueller (City, University of London), Secretary

Rachel van der Merwe (University of Groningen), Internationalization Liaison

Michael Dokyum Kim (University of Miami), Student and Early Career Scholars Representative

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